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Facts to inform conversations about vaping 

Parents are the not-so-secret weapon in tackling teen vaping.

A recent study commissioned by VicHealth has shown parents and carers hold more power and influence in tackling teen vaping than they might realise.

The VicHealth research found one in three teenagers have tried vaping and one in five are currently vaping.

A special information session – Clear the Air – will be held at the Lighthouse Theatre on September 12 to equip parents and carers with the facts and tips they need to have informed conversations with young people about vaping.

Clear the Air will feature Dr James Durl, a researcher with Blurred Minds, a leading organisation in drug and alcohol education.

“Saying ‘vaping is bad’ is not enough,” Dr Durl said.

“One-dimensional messages about vaping fail to engage or convince students.

“Straightforward slogans like “just say no” or “vaping is bad” fall flat with today’s students.

“These oversimplified messages don’t address the complexity of vaping or give students the depth of information they need.

“Young people are savvier than we often give them credit for – they want real facts and honest discussions, not just rules to follow.”

Warrnambool Mayor Cr Ben Blain said Clear the Air was a great opportunity to gain insights into why teenagers try vaping and how parents can be informed and ready to provide accurate advice and support.

“It’s reassuring for parents and carers to know that they can still exert a strong, positive influence over the young people in their lives who are at an age when they are often seeking greater independence,” Cr Blain said.

“But the research shows, encouragingly, parents and carers continue to be key players in helping young people make healthy choices.”

The evening will also include a Q and A session with local representatives from youth services, health care, schools and young people.

Clear the Air is a partnership with Brophy, DARE (Drug and Alcohol Responding Early), South West HealthCare, VicHealth, the Barwon South West Public Health Unit and WRAD Health.

Admission to Clear the Air is free but people are encouraged to register their attendance via the Lighthouse Theatre website:

Clear the Air – facts for informed conversations about vaping

When: Thursday, September 12, 5.30pm

Where: Lighthouse Theatre



Our Vision & Values

WRAD HEALTH’s vision is to advance the health and wellbeing of those in the South Western Region of Victoria affected by Addictive behaviours and to promote optimal enjoyment of life.

WRAD HEALTH seeks to provide comprehensive, holistic support and treatment to individuals and others affected by addictive behaviors and associated issues.

The philosophy of harm minimisation underpins the delivery of all programs offered by WRAD HEALTH. This principle recognises that people in our society use both licit and illicit drugs, and that drugs can be used in ways that are more or less harmful to individuals, families and society. Harm minimisation offers a number of options designed to reduce the harm of drug use to the user and society.


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