December 12, 2024
Laura Anderson, provisional psychologist with Community Collective Victoria (CCVic) and co-located at WRAD Health, shared insights into her work at the recent AGM.
CCVIC is a community initiative providing a no-cost, multi-disciplinary service in low socio-economic areas. Laura’s role at WRAD health is to assess and support people on their healing journey. This includes using different therapy modalities, assessments and supporting NDIS applications where applicable.
Laura decided to study psychology to work primarily with neurodiverse children with ASD or ADHD or trauma, but her experience at WRAD Health has changed her career direction. “I am a big believer that there is always a reason behind behaviour and see substance abuse as a counterproductive coping mechanism, the tip of the iceberg with a much larger picture hiding under the surface,” she said. “I enjoy working with the complexities behind this coping mechanism, as well as listening and providing space for clients to tell their story. It is important to the healing process that people feel heard, safe and not judged.
“Every one of my clients has experienced trauma to a degree and research shows that 1 out of 4 people that walk into a drug and alcohol facility are undiagnosed neurodiverse,” Laura said. “This is a significant number that can be reduced.”
Laura works closely with WRAD Health clinicians to identify and support clients that have undiagnosed or untreated mental health disorders. If the client has been identified as having a mental health diagnosis, the team at CCVIC and Laura then support an application for NDIS at the request of the client.
Her work is having an impact.
One woman presented with complex trauma, substance dependence, a pending court case, homelessness, suicidal ideation, limited support and all loss of hope for the future. The AOD clinician worked with her to reduce substance use and Laura completed tests that showed she had a mild intellectual disability. Laura was then able to support a NDIS application, at court, and for housing applications. The young woman is now continuing her healing journey, working and having goals for the future.
An unemployed man with suicidal ideation was referred to Laura after seeing a WRAD Health clinician for several months. She assessed him as having symptoms of ADHD combination. The clinician organised for him to go to a detox facility while Laura contacted his GP with a letter and report recommending a psychiatric review for ADHD. This person is now medicated, employed and his anxiety and depression symptoms have significantly reduced.
Laura says the referral process and co-location are beneficial to clients because of the continuity of care and easy transition into psychological support.
WRAD HEALTH’s vision is to advance the health and wellbeing of those in the South Western Region of Victoria affected by Addictive behaviours and to promote optimal enjoyment of life.
WRAD HEALTH seeks to provide comprehensive, holistic support and treatment to individuals and others affected by addictive behaviors and associated issues.
The philosophy of harm minimisation underpins the delivery of all programs offered by WRAD HEALTH. This principle recognises that people in our society use both licit and illicit drugs, and that drugs can be used in ways that are more or less harmful to individuals, families and society. Harm minimisation offers a number of options designed to reduce the harm of drug use to the user and society.
Emergency call 000
For medical issues call South West Healthcare 55 631666
For mental health issues call SWH emergency dep't 55 631 666 or 1800 808 284
For drug and alcohol issues call Directline 1800 888 236
For Lifeline call 13 11 14
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